Economic and Corporate Governance Performance
Total Revenue of the Company and its Subsidiaries
Net Profit

- Suppliers’ Code of Conduct
- Procurement Policy
- Environmental Management Policy
- Information Security Management System Policy
- Human Rights Policy
Corporate Governance
ESG Performance Indicators and Targets | 2023 Performance |
Received an excellent rating (5 stars) from a survey project to monitor and measure the development of corporate governance or corporate governance of Thai listed companies which is operated by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) with the support of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Office of the SEC. | An Excellent Rating 5 stars |
Quality of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders by the Thai Investors Association. | 100 Score |
- Establish policies and practices regarding corporate governance to be consistent with it is the same direction throughout the organization.
- Review the adequacy of the corporate governance structure and policy to be consistent with the changes, suitable for the Company's business strategy and challenges that arise regularly.
- Communicate and create understanding with employees, suppliers, and business partners. To realize the importance and comply with corporate governance policies, ethics, and various guidelines.
Management Approaches
- Supervise and monitor compliance with corporate governance policies and business ethics.
- Review the structure and corporate governance policy at least once a year.
- Communicate, disseminate and organize training on corporate governance policies. and related ethics to employees, business partners.
Tax strategy
The Company realize that taxes are important for the overall sustainable development of the country, therefore manages taxes correctly in accordance with tax laws and related regulations, paying taxes in full within the specified period with transparency and verifiability.
There are a total of 10 Key Sustainability Issues of the Company in 2023 as follows :

Risk and Crisis Management
ESG Performance Indicators and Targets | 2023 Performance |
Organizing risk management training at least once a year. |
Organized an enterprise risk management workshop with
80 attendees
Follow up and report on risk management results At least once a quarter. |
Quarterly risk management progress report,
Totaling 4 times in 2023
- Define clear structure, roles, and responsibilities in risk management from the organizational level, business level, and operational level.
- Provide risk management methods, as well as supervise and review the risk management process regularly to be consistent with the changing situation and consistent with generally accepted risk management standards.
- Leverage risk management to be one of the main strategies of each agency by setting risk management measures to be at an acceptable level with a clear operational plan. This includes continuous monitoring of practice Plans are reviewed and adjusted according to changing situations including being able to measure progress and evaluate results.
- Promote risk management communication throughout the entire unit to realize its importance and enhance widespread risk awareness.
Management Approaches
- Manage risks throughout the organization according to COSO guidelines to effectively reduce the opportunities and impacts of risks that occur.
- Analyze the severity level and prioritize risk issues to prepare operational plans and measures for risk management and follow up on performance results.
Supply Chain Management
The Company prioritizes managing risks from suppliers by establishing transparent and fair procurement policies, along with a suppliers’ code of conduct that encompasses business ethics, adherence to human rights principles, and consideration of factors that impact the environment.
ESG Performance Indicators and Targets | 2023 Performance |
No complaints or incidents regarding security of information systems and customer information. | 0 There were no incidents of information system insecurity. |
- Integrate information system and cybersecurity risks into enterprise-wide risk management.
- Establish a security management process for the information technology system that is consistent with the information security policy.
- Enhance knowledge, understanding, and awareness for employees at all levels.
Management Approaches
- Establish policies and procedures for maintaining information security and supervise compliance throughout the organization.
- Develop information security systems, Install additional Cybersecurity equipment.
- Check, analyze, and assess the risk of being attacked and leads to blocking access to networks and information systems regularly.
The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards for information technology security and cybersecurity. It implements proactive measures to protect the digital infrastructure, data and personal data of the Company's stakeholders. As well as developing a Business Continuity Plan in response to incidents and ensuring recovery during emergencies.
In the Information Technology Business group, it directly involved in providing network systems, software development, applications and comprehensive information technology solutions, it places importance on establishing IT infrastructure and data security management systems. It has been certified according to ISO 27001 standards since 2014, which is a security standard for IT management and personal data protection of all relevant parties.